Prem, a boy from the village of Singetole, Ishworpur-03, Sarlahi District tells you his story about the Child Sponsoring
"I am Prem and third child of my father. My mother is my father's second wife. My father is and was very poor and my youth at that time was very difficult. During this time, I was accepted by my "brother" Nishchal, the founder of the social organization called Patron Nepal.
With my family I live in Singetole, a village near the forest in the Middle Southeast of Nepal; Ishworpur-03, Sarlahi District.
My father and Nishchal's father were very good childhood friends and are now both over 85 years old. They are very proud of the social work Nishchal does in the village for the impoverished children, seniors and younger ones.
Singetole is a farming village. It is flood-prone and lacks bital infrastructure such as schools, health centres, job opportunities and vocational training. Many children in Singetole do not go to school because their parents earn a low income from agricultural activities and small businesses. It is a hopeless situation for the whole village.
I love my sponsor very much. He never missed an opportunity to send me letters and gifts. I felt that I was appreciated and loved.
I am now 16 years old and the only one in my family who will attend the +2 level in school after I received the B+ in SEE from Shree Sarswati Ma Vi Bhaktipur in July 2019, of which I am very proud. During this time I studied natural sciences."
Among the children who have completed our child development program in Nepal, Prem is a vivid example of success. When Prem compares himself with his friends, he says that there is a big difference.
"I remember when I used to drink water from the river and played with my friends barefoot soccer with an orange. When my sponsor Nishchal brought me a real football as a present, all the children from the village had come to me and we could play the real football on the field near the forest.
If it hadn't been out of compassion, I would still have lived my life under such conditions as my friends did.
My greatest dream is to help others.
I must be at the forefront of the changes taking place in Nepal. The coutnry needs me. That is why I decided to stay here with my family. I have received so much compassion and that is why today I am committed to do a lot for the youth and the nation.
Nishchal would like to continue to support me for further studies at level +2 and extend the sponsorship, but I am still dependent on a sponsor. I would be very happy to welcome you as my new sponsor.
If you are interested, then please write your letter of interest to Patron Nepal, Nishchal Ghimire to ensure school support. I would be very happy to meet you and welcome you with Nishchal in my village and family. Here is the contact mail from Patron Nepal; patron.nepal@gmail.com or visit the great website of Patron Nepal; www.patronnepal.org.np
I am very grateful for my sponsor Nishchal and his organization Patron Nepal. Nishchal has always encouraged me with his letters. He told me many times about his university studies, and I thought, "One day I'll go to university, too".
I have a generation to look after in this village and my sponsor Nishchal is my role model through Patron Nepal. The young people need a role model or someone to turn to, so I will open up to them. Many of the young people have no dreams in their lives, they just live into the day."
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